The path to a greener rental industry

13 August 2024

The 2024 ERA Convention The 2024 ERA Convention

On 16 May, during the ERA Convention, (, the Sustainability Committee held a workshop on how to best promote and use the carbon reporting guidance.

The first step of the workshop was a presentation by Paola Eydieu, from KPMG, of the ERA Carbon reporting guidance project, (

The group was then asked to discuss the challenges faced by rental companies on their way to decarbonisation‎.

Here you can find the key takeaways:

The limited availability and high cost of electric equipment present significant economic barriers. Suppliers often struggle to meet demand due to limited capacity, making it difficult for companies to transition their fleet efficiently.

The lack of standardisation across the industry complicates the integration of green equipment, leading to inefficiencies and increased costs.

Assets suitable for one region’s climate may not perform well in another, adding to the complexity of transitioning to greener options.

Challenges also arise from competitive rental rates, often making it challenging to recoup the costs of investing in green equipment.

There is a serious need to change the mindset and raise awareness of the rental value chain among key stakeholders, employees, and customers. It is essential for building confidence in the reliability and efficiency of greener technologies and the path to the environment-friendly rental industry.

Companies should create strategies to foster a culture that values sustainability and understands the benefits of green equipment. Overcoming these obstacles requires collaborative efforts inclusive investments and common sense.

Addressing these issues is essential for the rental industry to make significant strides toward decarbonisation and contribute to a more sustainable future​.

Please also check ERA’s Sustainability initiatives here:


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Lewis Tyler Editor Tel: 44 (0)1892 786285 E-mail: [email protected]